
AMEE 2019

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댓글 0건 조회 1,419회 작성일 18-08-31 15:32


AMEE 2019
24-28 August 2019, Vienna, Austria
The AMEE annual conference is now established as the key meeting for all involved in medical and healthcare

AMEE Conferences

professions education including teachers, educationists, researchers, administrators and students. The conference provides an opportunity to network with others with similar interests, to hear and discuss the views of acknowledged experts, to take part in workshops and courses and to present your own work through a short communication or poster. AMEE conferences are held in late August/mid September on a wide range of topical issues in medical and health care professions education.
AMEE conference attendance has increased steadily over the past 15 years and now attracts over 3200 delegates each year.


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